Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Great Blog Experiment...

I wasn't sure I'd ever get to this point. I've thought about starting a blog for quite a while, but it can be so overwhelming to think about, especially when life is just so darn busy anyway. Let me introduce myself... my name is Nicole, I am a 36 year old wife to Dan and mother to Matthew (who is almost 3). I am busy, I am tired. Most likely you are too.

The reasons for the blog?

Well, for starters, I want to document my son's childhood - the fun, the cute, the silly - all the things we think we will always remember, but that we've already started to forget.

I want to share my current craft projects, as well as ideas for crafting and doing art with small children. I love to create. Love it. And one of the greatest joys of motherhood is sharing this with my child.

I hope to share and receive helpful ideas for creating routines, structure, balance, and PEACE for our families.

I am Catholic and my faith plays a role in all the areas of my life. I can't separate it out, and really, I wouldn't want to. So, from time to time I may share some of this as it relates to motherhood, marriage, and the life of a woman in general.

I hope whoever reads these postings will be encouraged to bring beauty and peace into their lives and the lives of their families, and that you will enjoy what our homelife has to show you!

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